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Mouser Electronics

UI Style Guide Redesign

The Problem

Mouser's internal design component wiki is being retooled to be a public-facing repository for accessibility information, as well as being expanded to include information that the developers will use to help standardize components on the site and increase the accessibility rating of the entire site.

Contexual Inquiry and Analysis



Initial ideation and environmental interviews were done with the team responsible for the accessibility (a11y) rework on the site, as they were the ones most well versed in a11y techniques and, more importantly, the ones currently in the process of learning about a11y.


We also spoke with designers as they made up the other half of the expected userbase for the wiki, and would be the ones eventually responsible for putting together the final product.

Data Collection

Answers and comments from the interviews are written as either direct or paraphrased quotes. After the interviews, these notes are synthesized into WANs.
A common problem we found was our developers using outside sites for accessibility information. We identified this as a core cause of our problem, and added questions to our script to zero in on what our wiki was lacking in comparison to these other sites.

WAAD Diagram

Once all the interviews are completed, WANs and other notes are compiled into short notes and arranged in an affinity diagram to examine popular complaints, comments, tools, and other threads.

Exceprt of affinity diagram made of sticky notes on a whiteboard

Excerpt of WAAD Diagram

Developing Requirements and Guidelines

Once the WAAD Diagram was complete, through further synthesis a few salient points were reached that would form the backbone of the new wiki interface.

For developers

For designers

From management

Prototyping and Testing

Paper Prototypes

Once we put together a list of requirements we set to work seeing what needed to change from the initial design. We made several paper prototypes, and once we settled on a design we set to work on some hi-fi Axure prototypes that we could use to test with.

Initial paper prototype landing page, with revision notes

Initial Paper Prototype Landing, With Revision Notes

Redistributing a11y Info

An important part of this redesign is bringing the a11y information that was originally separate in the wiki in line with the rest of the components, making the pages as rich as possible without information bloat.

Axure Prototypes

In Axure, we combined screenshots of the current wiki with new interactive components. Axure allowed us to complete these wireframes quickly, add clickable interactions, and wire them up realistically for testing with developers.

Hi-fi prototype landing page

A/B Testing

For each test, we created an A interface and B interface, and randomized which ones were shown first to eliminate bias. Participants were given a task to navigate to a portion of our wiki. Interviews happened in Zoom and Microsoft Teams with screen share on so we could observe user behavior. Everything was logged, and the users were given a short questionnaire after the test to find any pain points as well as anything they found particularly refreshing.

Testing Results

Several rounds of A/B testing were conducted. After each round, the notes were synthesized into new requirements and adjustments, a new mockup was created, and the A/B test was repeated until we stopped getting any new information, and satisfaction scores improved.

Final Wireframes

After the final round, the last adjustments were made. Here are a few screenshots of the final product as imagined in Axure.

Final version of a content page


At the end of the testing period and the internship, I put together a handoff document detailing the requirements. I spoke with leadership and the people who were likely to be in charge of implementation and did some preliminary searches for static site generators to host our new wiki, as well as any useful tools to get a product up with the least amount of hassle.

These findings and the findings from the testing were collected into a document and passed on to the implementation team.

Excerpt from the final handoff report